Leisure Centre Construction Project

Leisure Centre Construction Project

A brilliant recent site visit to a leisure centre undergoing construction work in order to transform the building and provide new and enhanced facilities such as an open planned gym, refurbished swimming pool, library, café and more! To complete this project efficiently, they needed the help of our Easikit Conveyors to carry the demolition materials out of the building to prepare for the transformation!

After an efficient solution to speed up your project’s progress? Chat with us today to get your project goals moving!

Check out the video here!


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Coveya is the number one designer, manufacturer, and supplier of belt, gravity, mobile, radial, screw conveyors in the UK. Call us to speak with one of our experts for all your conveyor needs on 0117 2443456.

Distribution, demolition, recycle, waste management, water treatment, construction, reservoir maintenance… We have a conveyor for you.


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If our temporary conveyor system fails to provide real and identifiable project efficiencies, we’ll remove it and you won’t be charged.

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